Improve the customer experience with an ERP

There are many reasons why a company decides to implement an ERP management system and, frequently, it is a combination of several. The possibility of optimizing financial processes, improving visibility throughout the company or informed decision-making are commonly cited as the reasons behind the decision, among other issues; but the ability of this software to improve the customer experience is often forgotten.

The Customer experience it is the perception of this based on the relationship it has with the brand or company. It includes all the contacts that are made during a time in relation to the service and the better that experience is, the fundamental aspects for the business are increased, such as customer retention, the increase in the average ticket, the increase in conversion, the generation of new opportunities etc

Therefore, the customer experience is an important competitive advantage that must always be kept in mind. When deciding to implement an ERP, also, because it offers a series of valuable resources to improve it:

1) Better customer knowledge

An ERP, above all, is a system in which to collect, store, share and use data. Many more and better customer data we have, the more knowledge we can generate about it: feedbackcontact forms, regular purchases, payment methods… Thus, it is possible to offer a better customer experience by designing personalized strategies.

2) Agility in deliveries

A good one Inventory management allows better compliance with delivery deadlines. Thanks to demand forecasting, stock purchase automation or product rotation tracking, for example, it is possible to improve planning and relationship management, both with suppliers and with customers. Consequently, it is possible to report exact delivery dates, reduce times and meet customer expectations; as well as improving the tasks necessary to make returns in an agile and simple way.

3) Good communication

Fluid and constant communication with customers is key to increasing their trust. An ERP helps in this task by automation, with which you can eliminate necessary tasks but with low added value (for example, sending an invoice), and spend time on more decisive actions. In addition, the possibility of accessing the relevant data at any time and place is an invaluable help for sales staff during their visits.

4) Price definition

With your entire business connected, global workflows, collaboration tools, and single data availability, you have a greater control of the entire business. Also, what it means to offer any product or service to customers. The optimization of inventory and exhaustive knowledge of costs allow us to offer more adjusted prices, while the global work of the ERP allows a reduction in time and costs. As a result, discounts and offers can be offered without fear with clear and real visibility of the margins.

5) Campaign creation

An ERP is a key support for the marketing work, which becomes more efficient and effective. Customer satisfaction can be increased thanks to functions such as the automatic registration of interactions, the creation of segments, the construction of sales cycles, the processing of opportunities, the definition of target audiences and the creation of marketing, communication or sales campaigns. .

Business management software is essential for SMEs that want to continue growing and being competitive. Because, yes, it helps to optimize costs, increase team productivity, extract key business data… but also improve the customer experience and offer a better service to all users.

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